- • Assistant Professor at the Technological Educational Institute of Piraeus, in the following subjects: a) Reinforced Concrete structures, b) Steel and Wooden structures, c) Foundation design, d) Materials and Quality Control (1992 – 2012).
• Lecturer at the Higher Institute of Chemical Technology – SOFIA for the European Master’s Degree in Environmental Monitoring, Control & Health on the subject of “Water Quality Monitoring and Control” (1994).
• Lecturer at NTUA for the seminar “Mathematical models of pollution of the aquatic environment” for the “Assimilation capacity of recipients & phytoplankton and zooplankton cycles” (1994).
• Lectures at Ankara University – Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Landscape Architecture for the MED – CAMPUS Project #349 “Wastewater Treatment and Modern Developments” on: α) Anaerobic – Toxic wastewater treatment methods b) Sludge treatment and disposal (1994).
• Lecturer at Ankara University – Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Landscape Architecture for the MED-CAMPUS Project #349 “Wastewater Treatment and Modern Developments” on: Aerobic, Anaerobic, Activated sludge & Trickling filter wastewater treatment methods (1995).
• Lecturer at the Technological Educational Institute of Piraeus for the postgraduate program “MSc Management in Construction/ Structural Design” in the courses a) Modern Methods of Structural Analysis and b) Design of Steel and Composite Construction, (2001 – 2003).
• Lecturer at the Technological Educational Institute of Piraeus for the “Entrepreneurship” program (2003 – 2006).